
Snoopy is a beloved cartoon character created by Charles M. Schulz. He first appeared in the comic strip Peanuts in 1950 and quickly became one of the most popular characters in the series. Snoopy is a beagle dog who is best known for his imaginative daydreams and his loyal friendship with his owner, Charlie Brown. In the Peanuts comic strip, Snoopy was depicted in a variety of roles, including a World War I flying ace, a novelist, a hockey player, and a scout leader. He is often seen sitting on top of his doghouse, typing away on his typewriter, or taking a nap. Snoopy's popularity grew beyond the comic strip and has been adapted into various forms of media, including television shows, movies, books and. He has become an iconic character with a unique personality that appeals to people of all ages. Snoopy is a reminder to embrace our imagination and cherish the special bonds we have with our furry friends.

Top Games
Bubble Shooter - Snoopy POP!
Snoopy's Town Tale CityBuilder
Snoopy Spot the Difference
Charlie Brown's All Stars!
A Charlie Brown Christmas