
Garfield is a beloved comic strip that has been entertaining audiences for over four decades. Created by Jim Davis, the comic follows the antics of a lazy and cynical orange tabby cat named Garfield, his long-suffering owner Jon Arbuckle, and the dim-witted yet enthusiastic dog, Odie. The comic strip debuted on June 19, 1978, and has since become one of the most popular and recognizable comic characters in the world. Garfield's witty humor and relatable personality have made him a household name, with millions of fans worldwide. Garfield's popularity has extended to multiple media forms, including a successful TV show, movies, and countless merchandise related to the beloved character. With its enduring charm and timeless humor, Garfield continues to be a beloved character for both children and adults alike, making it one of the most iconic and enduring comic strips in history.

Top Games
Garfield's Pet Hospital
Garfield Fit
Garfield Food Truck
Garfield Snack Time
Garfield's Bingo
Garfield's Defense